##Nombre_comercio## in compliance with current legislation on protection of personal data, reports that undertakes to respect user privacy. The processing of personal data will be collected in a file, which is responsible Cruz de Caravaca
The required data to the User, are those necessary for functions that require Web Site ##nombre_comercio## without these will be available to any third party Web unannounced, unless authorized by the user.
The user gives express consent, freely and unambiguously to the collection and processing of data by ##nombre_comercio ## as well as the express, free and clear for the transfer of data to all group companies , including without limitation subsidiaries, branches and other establishments, but may not currently sell data to third parties outside the organization ##nombre_comercio##. The treatment by the advertising matter is announced, statistical, commercial and other existing marketing tools.
At any time the user can request access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of your personal data through e-mail to ##email_admin## your name, ID number and the clear expression of his desire to leave to receive commercial communications.
##Nombre_comercio## use personal information for the purposes of this and its range of products. The site gives the user at all times the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to any change (over their own data as provided in Law 15/99 of Protection of Personal Data of 13 December and Safety Regulations, for which the User must complete any of these models and sent with a copy of your ID to the URL ##email_admin##
The collection of personal data is carried out with the purpose of providing information service and improve service bulletins, send advertising for products and services, notices, tenders and, in general, commercial information of self-interest related goods and services offered through the Site.
Use of Cookies and file activity.
##Nombre_comercio ##, on behalf of it or a third party contracted to provide measurement services, may use cookies when a user browses the Web sites and pages on the site. Cookies are files sent to a browser by a Web server to log user activity on the WEB SITE.
Cookies used by ##domain## or third parties acting on their behalf, are only associated with an anonymous user and computer, and do not provide users' personal data.
When you return to your reception, you know the server using cookies, for which you should consult the instructions for your browser
Similarly, Web servers ##domain## can automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. All this information is recorded in a file server activity that allows the subsequent processing of data in order to obtain statistical measurements that reveal the number of page impressions, the number of visits to Web services, etc. In any case this file is under process of dissociation that prevents the identification of the user machine.